15 Apr HORIZON-STE: First Joint Industry and R&I Event in Turkey, held on 7 April 2022
SOLAREX 2022 : SOLAR ENERGY AND TECHNOLOGIES EXPO – “Pathways to the Deployment of Solar Technologies in Turkey: Concentrated Solar Thermal Energy and Photovoltaic Energy Technologies” Joint Industry and R&I Event
Horizon-STE and the aligned EU H2020 SolarTwins project co-organized a seven-part conference at the International Istanbul Solar Energy and Technologies Fair (SOLAREX), which was held in Istanbul between 7-9 April 2022. This industry focused conference included content on CST Technologies from industrial, political and research perspectives. The Horizon-STE Coordinator Marcel Bial (ESETLA) opened the conference with an invited presentation on the CST Industry Perspective at EU and Global Levels. The invited international presentations continued with Eduardo Zarza Moya (CIEMAT) giving a presentation on CST Applications and the Spanish Experience, and Ricardo Sánchez (CIEMAT and EERA JP CSP) giving a presentation on EU and Global Research Perspectives These international presentations were followed by two national presentations on solar energy policies in Turkey. The CST part of this conference ended with an industrial round table with 5 representatives from Turkish industries. In total 113 people participated in this conference representing universities, companies, researchers, and R&D Institutes and Centers.